Behold the Lamb! The spotless Lamb,
The promised Seed of Abraham.
From ev'ry nation, tribe, and race
He saves lost sinners by His grace.
On Calvary's tree, He died and bled,
Cursed and forsaken in my stead.
Though in the tomb His body lay,
In pow'r He rose on the third day.
He paid the debt I could not pay;
His blood has washed my sins away.
Though innocent, He took my place.
He's rich in mercy, love, and grace.
One day I'll see my glor'ous Lord
Who died that I might be restored.
He'll call our bodies from their graves.
In pow'r and glory, we'll be raised.
Called out of darkness into light
We walk by faith and not by sight.
The pow'r of death has lost its claim
On those believing in Christ's name.
He'll come in pow'r, our mighty Lord,
To judge the world and to restore.
Before God's throne, angels and man
Bow and adore God and the Lamb.
Behold the Lamb! Whose blood was shed,
For He is risen from the dead.
Behold the Lamb! Behold the Lamb!
Behold the spotless Lamb of God!
Lyrics © 2017 by Susan
Music © 2017 by Bill Fiess
All rights reserved.