sarah's rose
Father, We Worship Thee sarah's rose2

O Lord God, you have only begun to show your servant
 your greatness and your mighty hand.
For what god is therin heaven or earth who can do such works and mighty acts as yours?

--Deuteronomy 3:24

Music J.S. Bach, Prelude No. 1 from the
Well-Tempered Clavier, 1722
Bach's prelude arranged and melody added,
Charles Gounod, 1859

Father, we worship Thee
For the mighty works You've done
Giving your beloved Son.
Who was cursed and hanged upon a tree
To rescue us from bondage,
Granting life and pardon.
Rising the third day,
The victor over death and sin.
Praise to the Father
For Jesus, our Savior,
We praise Him!
Praise and bless His holy name.
Praise Him all ye heav'ns above!
Praise Him all the earth below!
Bless and praise His name now and forevermore.
Amen. Amen.

Copyright 2008 Susan Wysor & Regina Dawson All Rights Reserved.

Please contact me for permission to use. Email me at wysorwoman (at) gmail (dot) com

Regina's arrangement for solo vocalist was written to accompany
the Bach/Gounod arrangement found in
The Sacred Collection - The Vocal Library Low Voice, published by
Richard Walters, Hal Leonard Corporation.

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